3 Simple Ways to Get Your Day Back on Track

3 Simple Ways to Get Your Day Back On Track

We’ve all had those days where nothing seems to go right from the moment our feet hit the ground. It’s probably not just one thing, it seems like Murphy’s Law is in full effect. Everything seems to shake us up, make us lose our focus, and then each single task becomes a chore. Even the simplest and most mundane things appear to be punishment.

I’ve had those days more often than not, and I’m betting you have as well. The good news is, you have the power to turn it all around. I don’t mean that we can suddenly switch things into a “I just won the lotto jackpot, my boss publicly apologized for being a jerk and resigned, the kids listen and obey before they’re even asked” sort of day, but I do mean we can move past the malaise and find some purpose and serenity even on a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

  1. Take 10 deep breaths

No, seriously. And don’t cheat. Put your feet flat on the floor, hands relaxed and flat on your desk. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose, expanding your belly and chest, then exhale steadily through your mouth. Repeat ten times, then take a second and open your eyes. Feel better? Deep breathing resets the ‘flight or fight’ response in our body. More often than not, what we perceive to be a bad day has to do with stress running rampant inside of us with nothing to fight and nowhere to run.

  1. Go for a 5 minute walk

This is not a “mini workout.” In fact, the goal isn’t to exercise or even break a sweat. Don’t take your phone with you, and only take another person if they’re OK being quiet for 5 minutes. “But I don’t have 5 minutes!” “My boss won’t let me!” “I can’t be away from my desk that long!” You’ve spent more than 5 minutes in the bathroom before, you can get away for a short walk. I’m not suggesting you just march out right now, but plan it, and then do it. You’re going to get the blood flowing throughout your body, especially to your brain. It can also counteract all that sitting we do day-to-day, elevate your mood, and give you clarity of thought. Pretty sweet, huh?

  1. Sip a glass of water

Or a water bottle, whatever you’ve got handy. Sip, don’t gulp. You’re not getting a medal for fastest done. Our body is made up mostly of water. It is what makes everything work, including our blood and brains. Sipping helps you be focused and intentional about drinking, and the water keeps your body well lubricated. Really, your answer to a bad day is to sip water? Yep. And medical experts agree. Stop stalling and go pour yourself a tall one.

So there you go, from cranky to chill in no time at all. It is your life, enjoy it!

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