On Purpose Origins

We actually came up with the name for On Purpose Press after writing our first book, A Bed for the King. We kept coming back to why we wrote the book in the first place. Yes, we wanted families to have a faith-building alternative to some of the Christmas options out there. Yes, we wanted to provide some relief from the chaos and busyness of the holidays. Yes, we wanted girls and boys to begin doing kindness as the prelude to a lifestyle of kindness. Yes, we wanted to change the world.

All of those are completely true statements, but they all dance around the heart of the issue.

What are we hoping to accomplish?

I’d say “simply this,” but there’s no simple about it: We want your family to celebrate Christmas on purpose.

It is so easy to get swept up in life and kick on the autopilot and coast along. We’ve all done it. I’m as guilty as anyone. At some point, however, there comes a moment when we have to grab the wheel, say “This is important!” and decide on our destination.

Life has enough struggles that we often find ourselves putting our head down, doing the work, and trudging to the next task at hand. Is that really living the life our Creator intends for us? To just go through the motions hoping to run out the clock?

Yeah, we see you!

Yes, we see you moving the hands.

This isn’t Friday afternoon and the boss has already left for the day! This is your life! Your life is important! Your life matters! Your life makes a difference! Every minute, every hour, every day! Who we are, what we do, what we think, what we say, it all matters.

A Bed for the King is designed to help you and your family realize the potential impact you can have on our world for good (and for God!) through simple acts of kindness done for others. Taking the reins of your own life can seem pretty daunting. You might not know where to start. You might even be scared of screwing something up.

Let me tell you a secret: Our job is to show God’s love and kindness. Make that your focus. Don’t worry about details beyond your control. Show up, do what you’re supposed to, and trust with the results.

Little thing for you, big difference for her!

Little thing for you, big difference for her!

We’ve written several articles about the impact doing kindness has on the doer as well as the recipient. We don’t need more science to back this up. What we need is encouragement. We need a shot in the arm. We need to know that we’re doing this together. With God’s help and your willingness, we are!

So, my friends, this Christmas, let’s do this! Together we will make a difference! Together we will begin to make the world a better place.

Together we are living On Purpose!

-Ben & Erica

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